Key CodesThis document is written by Helge Willum Larsen It contains a list of all "onkeypress", "onkeydown" and "onkeyup" KeyCodes in JavaScript, that can be typed with a DANISH KEYBOARD !!! Other keyboards probably have other KeyCodes. The first section is tested with the Microsoft Internet Explore 5.0 and the Netscape Communicator 4.51. At this time, Netscape didn't support "onkeydown" and "onkeyup". I strongly recommend that you use the "onkeypress" function. It has the greatest browser-compatibility. Otherwise, you can maybe use some of the codes in the bottom of the page: ________________________________________________________________________________ KeyCodes (ALL keyboards): onkeypress Tested with Internet Explore 5.0 By: Helge Willum Larsen and Netscape Communicator 4.51 on a DANISH keyboard ________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORTS MULTIPLE KEYPRESSES: [A] = [a] [Shift] + [A] = [A] [CapsLock] + [A] = [A] [Shift] + [CapsLock] + [A] = [a] ALL KEYS THAT CREATES THE SAME OUTPUT, HAVE THE SAME KEYCODES ! [NumPad 1] is the same as [1] (if NumLock) [NumPad +] is the same as [+] DOES NOT SUPPORT ARROW-KEYS, DELETE, INSERT, SHIFT, ALT, CTRL, TAB, ESC...! But it supports [Return / Enter] and [Backspace] ________________________________________________________________________________ Button: keyCode: [BackSpace] 8 [Return / Enter] 13 [!] 33 ["] 34 [#] 35 [$] 36 [%] 37 [&] 38 ['] 39 [(] 40 [)] 41 [*] 42 [+] 43 [,] 44 [-] 45 [.] 46 [/] 47 [0] 48 [1] 49 [2] 50 [3] 51 [4] 52 [5] 53 [6] 54 [7] 55 [8] 56 [9] 57 [:] 58 [;] 59 [<] 60 [=] 61 [>] 62 [?] 63 [@] 64 [A] 65 [B] 66 [C] 67 [D] 68 [E] 69 [F] 70 [G] 71 [H] 72 [I] 73 [J] 74 [K] 75 [L] 76 [M] 77 [N] 78 [O] 79 [P] 80 [Q] 81 [R] 82 [S] 83 [T] 84 [U] 85 [V] 86 [W] 87 [X] 88 [Y] 89 [Z] 90 [[] 91 [\] 92 []] 93 [^] 94 [_] 95 [`] 96 [a] 97 [b] 98 [c] 99 [d] 100 [e] 101 [f] 102 [g] 103 [h] 104 [i] 105 [j] 106 [k] 107 [l] 108 [m] 109 [n] 110 [o] 111 [p] 112 [q] 113 [r] 114 [s] 115 [t] 116 [u] 117 [v] 118 [w] 119 [x] 120 [y] 121 [z] 122 [{] 123 [|] 124 [}] 125 [~] 126 [�] 163 [�] 164 [�] 167 [�] 168 [�] 180 [�] 189 [�] 197 [�] 198 [�] 216 [�] 229 [�] 230 [�] 248 ________________________________________________________________________________ KeyCodes (DANISH keyboard): onkeydown / onkeyup Tested with Internet Explore 5.0) By: Helge Willum Larsen ________________________________________________________________________________ DOES NOT SUPPORT MULTIPLE KEYPRESSES ! ALL KEYS HAVE THEIR OWN, INDIVIDUAL KEYCODE ! [NumPad 1] is NOT the same as [1] [NumPad +] is NOT the same as [+] ________________________________________________________________________________ Button: keyCode: NumLock: CapsLock: ScrollLock: [BackSpace] 8 - - - [Tab] 9 - - - [NumPad 5] 12 no - - [Return / Enter] 13 - - - [Shift] 16 - - - [Ctrl] 17 - - - [Alt] 18 - - - [Pause / Break] 19 - - - [CapsLock] 20 - - - [Esc] 27 - - - [Space] 32 - - - [Page Up] 33 - - - [Page Down] 34 - - - [End] 35 - - - [Home] 36 - - - [LeftArrow] 37 - - - [UpArrow] 38 - - - [RightArrow] 39 - - - [DownArrow] 40 - - - [PrintScreen / SysRq] 44 - - - [Insert] 45 - - - [Delete] 46 - - - [0] 48 - - - [1] 49 - - - [2] 50 - - - [3] 51 - - - [4] 52 - - - [5] 53 - - - [6] 54 - - - [7] 55 - - - [8] 56 - - - [9] 57 - - - [A] 65 - - - [B] 66 - - - [C] 67 - - - [D] 68 - - - [E] 69 - - - [F] 70 - - - [G] 71 - - - [H] 72 - - - [I] 73 - - - [J] 74 - - - [K] 75 - - - [L] 76 - - - [M] 77 - - - [N] 78 - - - [O] 79 - - - [P] 80 - - - [Q] 81 - - - [R] 82 - - - [S] 83 - - - [T] 84 - - - [U] 85 - - - [V] 86 - - - [W] 87 - - - [X] 88 - - - [Y] 89 - - - [Z] 90 - - - [Turn Off] (special) 94 - - - [Sleep] (special) 95 - - - [NumPad 0] 96 yes - - [NumPad 1] 97 yes - - [NumPad 2] 98 yes - - [NumPad 3] 99 yes - - [NumPad 4] 100 yes - - [NumPad 5] 101 yes - - [NumPad 6] 102 yes - - [NumPad 7] 103 yes - - [NumPad 8] 104 yes - - [NumPad 9] 105 yes - - [NumPad *] 106 - - - [NumPad +] 107 - - - [NumPad -] 109 - - - [NumPad ,] 110 - - - [NumPad /] 111 - - - [F1] 112 - - - [F2] 113 - - - [F3] 114 - - - [F4] 115 - - - [F5] 116 - - - [F6] 117 - - - [F7] 118 - - - [F8] 119 - - - [F9] 120 - - - [F10] 121 - - - [F11] 122 - - - [F12] 123 - - - [NumLock] 144 - - - [ScrollLock] 145 - - - [+] (next to [0]) 187 - - - [,] 188 - - - [-] (next to [.]) 189 - - - [.] 190 - - - [�] 192 - - - [�] (next to [+]) 219 - - - [�] (next to [1]) 220 - - - [�] 221 - - - [�] 222 - - - [<] (next to [Z]) 226 - - - [Wake Up] (special) 255 - - - ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Functions: Tested with Internet Explore 5.0 By: Helge Willum Larsen and Netscape Communicator 4.51 ________________________________________________________________________________ |
2011年12月7日 星期三
鍵盤按鍵 與 Javascript key codes 對應表
張貼留言 (Atom)